"To blog or not to blog"...
Ah, a virtual Hamlet I am not.
But the question that troubles me greatly and nearly prevents me from beginning this blog is thus:
Is not blogging an inherently narcisstic activity?
Perhaps the occasional visitor, perhaps the bored, wandering internet addict getting his or her fix, but no one else--save the author--really reads the work.
Blogs are mini-speeches that are rehearsed only to oneself, but often with the pretension of speaking to a crowd.
And yet... there is comfort in hearing one's own voice. It is productive to put one's ephemeral thoughts into print. And perhaps one day someone will overhear--overhear and even resonate.
Thus, I too will join the cluttered world of the blog, yet another voice in the ever filling blogosphere.
I beg your pardon, imagined reader, for what I know will be the great infrequency of the posts.
i read your posts today. i am real.
I referenced one of your comments in one of my own blogs, Shea. you can check it out if you like. http://colekingdom.blogspot.com/2006_09_01_colekingdom_archive.html#115748663421585531
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